A comic about in-sights by Simon Gilbertson and Neil Max Emmanuel
This project has been made possible by the award of a Strategy Grant for Publication support from Faculty of Fine Arts, Music and Design, University of Bergen.
Neil Max Emmanuel, neil@neilemmanuel.com
Freelance Motion GFX Artist & Illustrator, Storyboard Artist, Visual Facilitation, London, UK
Pramanasana: A comic
So, what does it look like in your thoughts? How do you think you become aware of that which you see? How do words direct our thoughts about perceiving? Who/what else is involved in in/visibly leading our thinking?
These and many other questions swirled around as this exploration of word and image, gesture and form progressed in Pramanasana. Draft text, creating and reviewing new images, and opening up again to graphic/textual influence and 1inkfluence'.
That's what it's all about working out collectively where a 'reading' might lead. Collaborative grphic inquiry provides an innovative space for creation and re-creation, where words immeasurably become image, where imagery shifts meaning and, at times, where the original intentional changes. The comic inquiry Pramanasana is a prime axample of how graphic inquiry can provide individuals with an ecology of unequivocally collaborative creation.