

Click on the titles to go to the project website


A comic about in-sights. By Simon Gilbertson and Neil Max Emmanuel

Pramanasana is ia collaborative graphic inquiry that explores human insights, materiality and the influences that direct and affect our thoughts and so-called perspectives. The project has been generously supported by a Strategic Award for Publication Support from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Music and Design, University of Bergen for which we are very grateful.

Comic Care

A project with Neil Max Emmanuel about visual communication of significant but difficult to communicate themes within health care

This project facilitates the international collaboration between a music and health researcher in Norway and a freelance artist and illustrator in the UK in order to explore the affective and narrative potential of visual communication of significant but difficult to communicate themes within health care.

Music of the body: A centre for excellence in music performance education (CEMPE, NMH) innovation grant 2019-2020

Exploring the inseparability of aesthetic music expression, physiology and technology in higher music education

This project asks, "How can the fields of physiology and audio/video technology combine with music performance education and help to better understand the development of individual skills of aesthetic music expression and the body in higher music education?"

Materializing Care: A cross-professional international network

The inaugural meeting og the Materializing Care Network

This project explored what happens when 17 people from 14 professions from 5 countries convene to critically attend to their personal, professional and political inseparability in materializing care?

Students on Film: A centre for excellence in music performance education innovation grant 2018-2019

A project about video-based student learning outside of the classroom

This student-collaborative project explores how music therapy students use video recordings of themselves in self-directed study when learning to improvise music with others


A project about ontology and ontogenesis

Where does knowing about the world come from? This project explores how knowing is done, made and performed.

In visible hands

The matter and making of music therapy

A project exploring music therapy practice through embodied process of viscerally-supported recall of practitioner knowledge and experience.

In audible movements

Exploring inaudible and audible movements in improvised music making

This project asks, "what are, and what are the roles of inaudible movements in audible music making?". By using state-of-the-art research hard- and software from Noldus Information Technology it is possible to follow a magnitude of movements which would have otherwise gone un-remarked, silenced by priviledging the visibly audible.

In corporeal time

The body. The musical score. An exploration of the pulses of musicians and audience, their incorporeal and in corporeal rhythms

This project is a research education project which aims to inspire students to consider a wider range of sites of knowing than the obvious. By transgressing the human skin, this simultaneous search for rhythms within and outside of the body provides an opportunity to consider how connections are drawn between people simultaneously.

Central, peripheral, social

Re-conceptualizing neurological trauma and illness

A series of publications which include discussions of the need for a re-designing of the understanding and portrayal of neurological trauma and illness that reflects contemporary theory on ecological and extended cognition, embodiment and matter, and the inseparability of the ecological human regardless of neurological status or physical care environment. What is needed is an understanding of plasticity as central, peripheral, and social.

Instruments in human ecology

Creating instruments in the fluidity of human ecology

Whether it is for a millimeter movement of an isolated extremity following a severe traumatic brain injury, or creating an instrument for whole congregation, this project seeks to generate instruments and instrument interfaces that reflect the human predicament and the ecological possibilities at a highly individualised niveau.